Saturday 23 November 2013

Tiny tots

Operation Smile International Medical Missions are always so much fun. The Guwahati Comprehensive Cleft Care Centre (GC4) was busy as a bee from the dates 11th June, 2013 to 18th June, 2013. 
On the last day of the Mission, my friend and I were given duty in the ward to help around, playing with the kids who had just underwent surgery, to keep them busy and distract them from after surgery pains. We had an amazing time, and met some of the coolest kids around. "Happy with whatever and however one is," they truly do represent this sentence. And yes, now the question arises, "If they really were happy with having clefts, why the surgery?"
The answer, simple really, "Their parents."Meet some these cool people. :D

Reshma. <3
Her smile, her jokes, her enthusiasm, those big beautiful eyes. This girl = AWESOME.

Well, I know he is mewling and puking in the picture. But not every picture needs to perfect. And besides, the smile after a few minutes was wide enough to make every ice cream in town melt. :)

Ruby O Ruby!
She was the gem of my eye. Her cool and calm, her serenity was so captivating.
Keep calm and love Ruby. 

Sweety. ^_^
Sweety was, does she  really need an adjective? Come on! Her name says it all.  
Megha. :')
The happiness and gratefulness in her Dad was so overwhelming, such wonderful moments. A father's tears are the worst and sweetest ever. Thanks to him for the picture, blurred though it is.

Megha again!
Our star poser with one of the doctors.