Tuesday, 1 October 2013

Hello There!

Oh how amazing it feels to be back on my blog again after a long, long time.  The last that I was here was 8th of September, 2013, and now here it is 1st October, still 2013 though. You know what the worst time of a fifteen year olds’ life is? Of course, you don’t, most of them adults think that it is all so very easy, unproblematic and painless compared to what they have going on in their lives. NO. Just NO, mid terms and finals exams are the worst times of a teenager’s existence. At least for me, it is.

And now you have the reason for my absence, I had my mid terms going on. I was so lost and buried deep under my books; I didn’t even have the time to so much as to “think” about any other activity rather than studying. I crammed for these mid terms all day and all night long. Today was the last paper for this term and it was “Math,” every student’s nightmare. Well, maybe not “every” student, but yes, for a lot of them. By the way I am describing Math, it is very presumable that it’s a living nightmare for me as well, but in factuality, it isn’t. However this year, my tenth grade mid term Math paper was indeed a nightmare I had to live through. It was a real nail biter. I worked my gut out for Math, for SIX whole entire days, all I did was practice Math. All I did think, see, do, write, eat, sleep, dream was Math, and today at 9:15 a.m. as I received the question paper in my hands, I jumped to start writing down the answers. I didn’t see left or right but dove into this deep dark watered pool of numbers. The dive I took was near to smooth, but as I reached into the pool and swam deeper, I was breathless and helpless. Time was running out and to complete my task of solving these numbers strewed all over the place here and there seemed much likely impossible. With time on its edge, I was suffocated, and nearly gave up; many times I even so let myself sink. However with some sort of life vest or encouragement of the other I was periodically being resuscitated. These aids helped me an immense lot, but the difficulties in my brain with momentary dyslexia and a faint heart, broke all spirits and determination and cast a shadow on the very bright pool.

But then again;
Once time is gone, there is no possible way of bringing it back all over again. There is no point of dwelling in the past. You do not get free re-dos in life. What one can do is to live in the present and prepare for the future.

Oh and well, as for now, BLOG how ever much I want to!          

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