Monday, 2 December 2013

Dire Winters

The last month of the year is here, December. For most people all around the world life is a box of chocolates this time of the year. Everyone is so worked up for Hanukah, Christmas and New Years. People love the winter cold, everybody seems to be enjoying a hot cup of coco, cuddled up in blankets, or enjoying the heat of the fire. There are so many other things that people seem to like about the winter; I don’t happen to mention a lot of those things that people seem to find so utterly amazing about the winter because I dread the winters, I happen to have a strong dislike for the cold December month. So here’s why I absolutely dread the winters.

1.      Gloom Doom
Winter is the ugliest season of all. It turns the entire place into such a dark mess. The once warm and sunny yard, turns into an arctic tundra. The wintertide covers our world in a blanket of white, but even the white seems so not peaceful somehow. And when lost in the darkness of the blizzard, a sole street light is your security guard. Two feet of snow, sleet and ice (for the parts of the planet where it snows), and cloudy and the frosty winds, all of it pretty much describes how the winter weather is a stinging, icy slap in our faces.

2.       Suit of Armour
A suit of armour might as well send out meanings as such as the suit of pride or bravery, but here the armour suit is really just used to describe the discomfort and the amount of covering up the suit does. When winter at its coldest, a warm, heavy coat is a suit of armour. You have to wear the big bulky coat or else you get attacked by the cold hearted winter. Not to mention, coats and the few extra layers of clothes that are so mandatory to put on because the Jack Frost is out there to attack us all, puts on a few extra pounds on us as well. You bloat up and the beautiful curves are sent straight into the dark.

3.       Goodbye Summer Dresses
For those of you who have watched ‘How I met your Mother’, you people definitely know what “Goodbye Summer Dresses” mean. Summer Dresses are flirty, cute, sexy, unveils your curves and well it describes summer, that is, hot! But as soon as the winter sets in, you can kiss away goodbye to the short, chic dresses and get ready for the covered from head to toe, in boots to beanies attire to arrive.

4.       The Polar Bear effect
The Polar Bear effect would relate to the fact that all one wants to do is sleep, that is go into hibernation. Yes, it is true that only pregnant polar bears hibernate, but then again come on, how lame would the “The Pregnant Polar Bear effect” sound? Some sort of activity is required by the body; I mean “Let’s burn some calories people!” There is nothing that beats fun in the Sun.

5.      Look what just flew in? The Flu.
“Hey I’m down with flu.”
Is it really so? Do you have a runny nose, continuous sneezing, a scratchy throat, and coughing a little more? Yes, you are? No honey that is not the flu. Every little symptom seems to point out towards the flu. It is this time of the year when people are just generally suffering from a minor cold and cough and yet they insist that they have the flu. Hey Drama Lil Mama, enough with the “I have the flu” already. 


Sunday, 1 December 2013

Confused Teenager

“From time to time, I simply sit on the edge of my bed with a pen in hand, opened blank pages of an old diary and my eyes glaring at the virgin ruled pages. Truth be told, situations like this I find myself in not only “sometimes” but only most of my time.

2nd November, 2013, it is Diwali here in India and people are in the festival mood. 1.237 billion People in this country and each and every one of them is celebrating the occasion full on, except for three people. These three people would be me, my mother and my dad. Diwali is everybody else’s home is celebrated in full swing; bursting firecrackers, delicious and awesome food being made, people getting each other gifts and so much more. It is bling-bling all over the country. 

I am a fifteen year old and here I am writing, bored out of my mind. At present, I am not my parents’ favourite person. My sister is away in college, and I am pretty lonely. It is Diwali, and I have nobody to talk to, no firecrackers to burst, no good food to eat except for the take out from Naga Kitchen, which by the way was so freaking delicious. But come on! My parents are supposed to be cooking me something thoroughly scrumptious. Instead of enjoying myself “Diwali-Style”, I watched ‘Castle.’ Castle is an amazing television series, but at times I want to be a part of the celebrations as well. 

I am so alone. My parents are engrossed in their own worlds and I can bet you a million dollars that they wouldn’t even notice for a day if I wasn’t at home. I am a living zombie. I am so deserted, that most of the time I talk to myself. Every five seconds I open up Facebook, to look at updates by “other people”, posts and pictures by these really amazingly funny pages. This is how creepy, destitute, lame and jobless I am, that I have to live off on other people’s stories, with the obvious cause being that I have no life of my own, or plainly because my life is too dull and monotonous.

The loneliest kid on Planet Earth. “

Just so to let you know, the above had been written a long time back.
I am a teenager, I am confused, and my hormones are crazy! But no! I am the happiest kid on this world! Who am I kidding? I love my life. I am freaking amazing.

The Face of Earth

Hello People! Alright, I am very well aware of the fact that there are actually no “People” reading. But just in case I am lucky, “Hello!”
It’s been quite some time that I have posted. Maybe not that long a time, but I want to write everyday, only to find myself in complete misery. The misery being that I can only come up with blank white pages. How pathetic! But, I have made up my mind, that today I will blog like today is the last day of my existence, and that nobody is watching me, not that people actually do watch me.

Every person in this Earth is so different. The variations and differences in each and every one of us are so remarkable. No two people in this world are alike. Not even in the matter of twins, because fingerprints of no two persons are the same. How extraordinary is that! I very well understand that discrepancies among people are very much obligatory, or else there would be no such thing as identity. And besides, what is the amusement in having a planet full of indistinguishable-dead ringer-carbon copied-tantamount populace. What’s spellbinding is the diversity of the human race! The creator or energy or whatever is it that brought this world into presence has spawned something so marvellously mind boggling. The human race is so intriguing.

7.046 BILLION People on Earth and yet no two living people share a spitting image. Let us not consider physical appearances for once, and yet there are no such two persons who share explicitly self same behaviour or demeanour. 

People are fat-thin, short-tall, dark-fair, etcetera-etcetera, if one considers just physical appearance. Then again there are the disparities on the field of one’s nature-

  • ·         The lonely flower blooming in the middle of the Prairie (introvert, shy, quiet)
  • ·         The pig in purgatory (noisy, talk too much, extrovert)
  • ·         Deceitful Bernie Madoff (fake, backstabbing)
  • ·         The coward ghost (faint at heart, scared)
  • ·         The optimist
  • ·         The pessimist
  • ·         The opportunist

These are the only few types of people that one comes across. There are people with a mixture of the above qualities. I haven’t personally met each and every person on Earth, and I do not think that is even remotely people. But every chance that I get, I try and make new friends and know more about them and the people around them.
Life is a journey, and by far I am in love with this crazy, maddening, saddening, delighting, magical road trip that I am on.